Delicious Food of Japan

There are 'weird' food in every culture without exception, even in Western countries. One man's meat is indeed another man's poison. Many others will be disgusted at foods like French escargots, American Rocky Mountain 'oysters' (cattle testicles) and English black pudding. If you're talking about insects, there are also candy & lollipops made by US companies that contain real scorpions, worms & crickets.

There are also plenty of other countries who eat insects, regarded as nutritious & full of protein, like Thailand, Japan, South America, Africa etc. Even Americans are becoming more accepting, with over ten insect festivals each year like the Bug Bowl at Purdue University and restaurants like Typhoon, in Santa Monica, that serves insect delicacies.

Insects have enjoyed a place at the Japanese dinner table for many centuries. There insect foods are exotic, local niche items that the vast majority of modern Japanese have never try even once in the course of their lifetimes.

The 21st Century Noah’s Ark - Lilypad City

This is one man’s answer to the threat of Global warming. The 21st century Noah’s Ark if you like, called a Lilypad. Award-winning architect Vincent Callebaut has designed a self-sustainable "Lilypad City" as a long-term solution to the problem of rising sea levels caused by climate change. A Lilypad City would provide a home for 50,000 people and would float atop water. The artificial island includes a lake, mountains, shopping malls and drifts on the ocean currents.

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