Celebrity Tattoo Removal - Stories of Tattoo Regret

Today, more than ever, celebrities are running to tattoo parlors in an effort to express themselves. Body art has become an accessory to many such as teacup dogs and expensive purses. The number of celebrities with tattoos is on the rise. In the old days, it was prominently the metal and punk rockers and athletes that were heavily inked.
Nowadays, ink can be found on celebrity bodies from the cat walk, to the small screen, and to the red carpet and the big screen. However, not all celebrities heed the advice of picking the right tattoo that they won't one day regret. Therefore, as number of celebrities get tattoos rises, so does the number of tattoo regret and tattoo removal.
One of the main reasons that people, including celebrities, goes into see a laser tattoo removal specialist is because they have the name of a former lover inked on their body or they may have matching tattoos inspired by an ex. There are plenty of examples of celebrities that have had tattoo regret for just this reason. They have either had their tattoos removed by laser tattoo treatments or lightened to cover their unwanted tattoos.

Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton

Angelina had Billy Bob's name tattooed on her arm, while Billy Bob had Angelina's name inked on his bicep. They were married for 3 years and then divorced. Angelina decided on laser tattoo removal to lighten her tattoo and a cover-up tattoo shortly after their divorce and had her children's birthplaces inked in the same location. Billy Bob decided on a cover-up solution also. He had Angelina's name covered with an angel and the word "peace."

 Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen 

Denise decided to have Charlie tattooed on her ankle while Charlie had Denise tattooed on his wrist. They were married and later divorced. Denise had her "Charlie" tattoo transformed into a fairy, while Charlie had his "Denise" lasered away.
Tom Arnold and Roseanne Barr

Tom tops the list for the most tattoos of an ex. He had a whooping 4 tattoos of Roseanne, his wife at the time, including a portrait of her on his chest. Roseanne had a "Property of Tom Arnold" tattooed on her hip. Once divorced, Tom had all of his tattoos laser removed. Roseanne opted for a cover-up of her "Tom" tattoo.
Britney Spears and Kevin Federline

They decided after a short courtship to get married and also get matching tattoos. They both had dice tattooed on their arms, Britney's dice were pink while Kevin's were blue. Once their relationship sizzled and they were no longer seen together, both sets of dice disappeared as well with laser tattoo removal.

Nick Carter and Paris Hilton

They were only together for a short 7 months when these two love birds to have each others names inked on their bodies. Nick had "Paris" tattooed on his wrist while "Paris" had Nick tattooed on her bottom. Paris had her tattoo laser removed not long after she had the tattoo done. Nick decided to have his "Paris" covered up with a skull and the phrase "Old Habits Die Hard."
Some other celebrities that have donned their love by inking their skin include Pamela Anderson, Kathy Griffin, and Johnny Depp. Pamela Anderson had "Tommy" inked on her ring finger when they were together and later had it changed to read "Mommy" after they split. Kathy Griffin also had a wedding ring inked on her finger when she was married. Later when she was divorced, she decided it was time to have her tattoo laser removed. Johnny Depp who fell madly in love with Winona Ryder had no problem showing his love for her by having "Winona Forever" tattooed on his chest, only to later have it changed to "Wino Forever" after their love fizzled.
Having a lover's name, face,symbol, or matching tattoos are not the only tattoos celebrities have that they regret. They too have been guilty of getting certain images or sayings that represented who they were at a certain time in their lives. Tommy Lee and Tony Danza both had tattoos done early on in life that no longer represented who they are and therefore looked to laser tattoo removal. Tommy Lee had a swastika inked on his rib cage. He decided to remove the tattoo so it would no longer hinder his image. Tony Danza had "Keep on Truckin" tattooed on his body during his younger days. He decided on laser tattoo removal shortly after it was first readily available.
Two rappers whose images are widely known and recognized for their ink, Pharrell Williams and 50 Cent are both undergoing laser tattoo removal treatments. They are both looking into other opportunities than being rap stars and they both believe that removing their tattoos with improve their images. Even with all the musical talent and fame these two stars have, 50 cent's aspirations to act are cut short or he spends up to 4 hours covering his tattoos with make-up in order to do a movie scene. Pharrell is in the process of designing a clothing line and wants to be taken as a serious entrepreneur.
Whether these celebrities had gotten tattoos when they were young, in love, or for their simple love of tattoos, they all experienced tattoo regret and did something about it. Tattoos once thought to be permanent can be removed with laser tattoo removal treatments or even lightened with laser tattoo removal treatments and then covered with a new tattoo.

Tribal Tattoo Designs

For centuries, tattoos symbolized the membership in groups, families, but for a few years, tattoos have become more popular. It is possible that many people have them not only for decorative purpose, so we must understand why more than thirty million people worldwide have submitted this type of self mutilation. The choice of a tattoo today can tell something about the soul of its owner; some believe that a tattoo is the graffiti for the soul...
We'll find many surprising stories about the tattoos significance and role: many sailors believe that a tattoo is a talisman against the possibility of drowning at sea. The American Indian believed tattoos protected them in battle and some Burmese people think even today that a tattoo over the heart can stop bullets.
The tribal tattoos history is a real kaleidoscope; each place of Earth where the tattoos are popular has a particular and many times surprising history, significance, tradition, and realization technique. But almost everywhere, the tattoos appeared a few hundred years ago.
The place where the word tattoo originated, were the tribal tattoo reached perfection for thousand of years is Tahiti. Here the tattoos applications are most painful, but it reached a high level of artistic endeavor. The habitants of Samoa still believe that the elaborate geometrical design of the traditional body suit is the way to show respect for the God-qualities, for others it is the rite of passage to manhood.
The ancient Maori warriors started their tattoos tradition painting their faces with charcoal before each battle. Then they began to make the design permanent, calling it "moko". It was said that a man without "moko" was a "papatea" (plain face) and was considered an outcast.
Celtic tattoos are one of the most attractive design choices. The design comes from ancient art from Ireland, Scotland and England. They are as old as the Celtic history is.
Some fifth century painted pictures are representing warriors having tattoos all over their body; the tattoos are indicating the rank or caste. Later they were also symbols of religious devotion, simply for decoration or appeal for fertility.
Celtic tattoos are not duplicating real things, they are made of sinuous lines interweaving to complete a cycle. Almost all the Celtic tattoo designs are complicated, there is neither end nor beginning to it. There are many intricate patterns too...
Celtic animal designs are unending, but some have the cords terminate in feet, heads, or tails. Many designs are presenting zoomorphic elements or spirals.
Tattoos are also largely considered the mark of the Yazuka - the Japanese Mafia. A full body tattoo can take many years to be made and costs about $50000; the tattoo complicated colored design seems to have mythic power and only some specialized masters can accomplish such a miraculous work of art.
In China the tattoos are made with designs of 2500 years old, and are representing a variety of fantastic beasts: fish, deer, dragoon. There are made for personal protection and like emblems of noble birth. Siberian tribesmen still ink symbols down their spine to cure the back pain.
In Russia, the tattoos tradition isn't so old: they were the prisoners' secret language. In Stalin's gulags, tattoos were a form of protest; today they are only a fancy accessory.
Borneo is an exotic and hard to reach place where tattoos ward off harm and disease. In the "heart of darkness" tattoos as protection gains some credibility.
Hawaii is home for some famous tattooist, like Norman Keith. He is well known "for giving the modern tattoo revolution a major boost." He began moving American tattooing towards more Japanese style, unified, custom design. He also changed the status of tattooists, bringing them out of the underground to the growing light of the artistic respectability.
In St. Lawrence Island the Asiatic Eskimo tribesmen can live past 100 and have, certainly, the last most authentic tattoos on this planet.
We can find spectacular tribal tattoos even in Queen Charlotte Islands, where the images are family history told in pictures. Animals' designs on the hands are announcing the family name.
In Mackenzie Delta small crosses on the cheeks or shoulders are keeping a tally of the taken whales. Netsilik women were tattooed in order to gain admittance to the afterworld.
In the northern Kalinga (Philippines) the tribesmen are the most ornamented people of the region; their body art is resurrected one more time.
Now let see the tribal tattoo tradition in US. Since the 18th century, merchant sailors acquired tribal skin art returning from voyages in the South Seas. Because members of the British aristocracy traditionally took to the sea, and returned with tattoos (discreetly hidden) some western tattooist set up shop near the docks. The tattoos become exotica for the upper classes. Later, the port city tattooist began inking criminals, fiefs and prostitutes and tattoo became mark of lowlifes. This is the reason way for hundred of years the tattoo remained underground. The tattooist was considered as an outlaw and the tattoo was imprisoned by persecutions and prohibitions born of myriad fears.
Now the tattoos are made using modern and secure devices, capable of 125 pricks per second. The designs are presented worldwide using the most spectacular advertising tools

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