Inspiring Street Art by Alice Pasquini

Rome-based artist Alice Pasquini is a talented visual artist who also works as an illustrator, set designer and painter. Her street art projects were implemented in countries like U.K., France and Spain, with spectacular results.

The artistic works of Alice Pasquini are strongly inspired by reality: “I create art about people and their relationships, I’m interested in representing human feelings and exploring different points of view”-explains the artist.

Via: Flickr

Scissor Spiders by Christopher Locke

When we hear about Spiders, we get afraid because of their dangerous look. But artist Christopher Locke gave an other impression of spiders by his unique art work. He takes scissors that were confiscated by the TSA at airport security checkpoints and turns them into these awesome spider sculptures. We’re guessing they still won’t be permitted to be carried onto airplanes, but when no one is looking they might just scuttle onboard all by themselves.

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