Chinese Tattoo Meanings

People are fascinated with Chinese designs because of their tattoo meanings. They use online dictionary, free download, or semi-experienced translators for Asian words. However, did you know that these are not reliable? It can turn your meanings to nonsense, hocus-pocus or a joke. Suppose you pick some cool looking Chinese symbols from a tattoo parlor, and assume that they mean 'loyalty'. However, you can't be sure if those symbols have the right meaning. Perhaps, they mean the 'heart' without the loyalty component. I am sure you don't want that. Chinese Tattoo Meanings have become very self expressive. Unfortunately, they are not all accurate. Mistakes galore. For the best results, you should hire a Chinese expert.
  1. Weird Meaning - Britney Spears' Tattoo - Britney Spears a flower with the Chinese character tattooed near her navel. She thought this symbol means 'mysterious'. Upon a close look, it is found that the actual meaning is 'weird'. Instead of being the mysterious charmer, the pop queen puzzles everyone as to why she wants to be 'weird'.
  2. Wrong Meanings - A Woman's Tattoo Tragedy - A woman got a Chinese tattoo with the meaning 'freedom'. She wants to show everyone her belief. Later she discovered that her Chinese characters actually mean 'free of charge'. What an embarrassment! Also, there are people who like to create their own Chinese tattoos. They combine the Chinese symbols 'power' and 'love' to create the phrase 'powerful love'. The result is not creative expression but ambiguity or wrong meaning. Why not consult an expert to get the right design?
  3. Great Meaning - Megan Fox, Chinese Symbol - Your Chinese tattoos should convey what is of value you. Some entertainment stars have chosen tattoos with great meanings. For instance, celebrity Megan Fox, Hollywood's hottest diva, has a Chinese symbol 'strength' tattooed on her neck. This meaning is very appropriate for her rising stardom. Megan Fox needs both the mental and physical strength to stay on top of Tinseltown.
  4. Philosophical Meaning - David Beckham, Chinese Saying - Great tattoo meanings are those with special Chinese sayings. I notice that people really like quotes or phrases that reveal truth. As Chinese tattoos become the cult, people are turning to Chinese experts for great quotes and ancient wisdom. Celebrity David Beckham has a tattoo with a great philosophical meaning. It is a Chinese proverb that reads "Death and life have determined appointments. Riches and honour depend on heaven." Media attention has been rampant. He is praised for being clever with ink designs.
  5. Best Meanings - Custom Tattoo by Chinese Expert - You can get the best tattoo meanings from a Chinese expert or professional. Get someone who is proficient at English Chinese translation. An expert is indispensable if you want tattoos with special phrases, custom sayings or cultural idioms. Did you know that many people are crazy for meaningful tattoos? Don't try to be the expert yourself. Stay away from free downloads and online dictionary. Avoid weird, wrong and funny tattoo meanings. Hire a professional.

Kanji Tattoo Designs

Kanji was originally invented by the Chinese and introduced to Japan. The Chinese character and Japanese character might look very similar, but they are NOT the same.
This ancient style of writing practiced mostly by Japanese people. It has become a popular form of tattoo with people seeking Japanese style tattoo designs. Those who choose to display a Kanji design are attracted to its complex beauty as well as individual meanings. Look of Kanji is very artistic and expressive.
The tattoos are ideographic characters, which means that each character represents a whole object, idea, or meaning they can tell a whole story instead of just representing a letter sound like the Western alphabet. Kanji's are a popular choice among anyone seeking Japanese style tattoo designs, in fact 1 in every 5 tattoos are of a Kanji style. With their style of characters, you can easily create and express nearly any meaning you want.

This traditional writing is very difficult to learn, due to the fact that there are over a thousand symbols in everyday writing, plus another thousand or so that are used just occasionally. Also the pronunciation of a symbol can change depending on the context in which it is presented. It is worthwhile and highly recommended to do research and educate you on the different forms of Japanese writing. Don't be fooled into thinking you can just look up a word in a kanji dictionary and expect it to translate accurately.
Be sure what you are getting means EXACTLY what you think it does!
Consult with an expert Japanese translator to translate and design the Japanese Kanji symbols for you. Because of the complexity of Kanji and also the fact the one word can mean two completely different things it is important that the Japanese translator understands the word you want translated. The Chinese symbol has a time span of 4000 years and a geography span across countries like China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. It simply takes knowledge and expertise to do the translation well and with precise accuracy.
Ensure that you seek a professional tattoo artist that has a clear referenced of the actual design and a line drawing as the "blueprint" for the actual tattoo. When inking, your tattoo artist will use stencil outlines to trace the artwork onto your body. Stencil outlines are vital for inking as it can prevent tattooists from making mistakes while working.

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