A Great Arabic Tattoo

Unlike many other lettering tattoo trends, Arabic tattoo are not very common in the US. However, worldwide they are quite popular and not only with Arabic speaking people.
So what are the Arabic tattoo trends?
Since this trend is growing in popularity, here are a couple of things you should know:
1. Most people choose to get one word to tattoo in Arabic.
2. One of the most popular places for such a tattoo is the wrist
3. Many people tattoo names of loved ones in Arabic
4. Another common one word tattoo trend is that of empowering words, like serenity
So what should you know in order to guarantee your new tattoo is a great one?
You must make sure that your tattoo artist knows how to correctly place your tattoo stencil. Most will not know so you will need to get the directions from someone who can read Arabic.

Don't get your translation and design from someone just because he claims to know Arabic. Today, many people are trying to be nice and help others. Whenever someone asks for a translation, these people go to Google translate or pull up a dictionary, and provide you with incorrect translations. That is all well and good if you just want to convey an idea to an Arabic speaking individual, he or she will probably understand the meaning. But that doesn't mean it can be tattooed.
Make sure you use a professional translator. Remember, an Arabic tattoo is not simply different letters. It is a whole world that has a different culture and a different set of grammar rules.
Another thing that can help the end result is choosing a font and style that speaks to you. There are fancy fonts and simple ones, you can get your tattoo letters shaped as a star of a flower. The choices are limitless, all you need to do is get the right professional and let your imagination run wild.

Latest Tattoo Fonts Designs For Men & Women 2012

Latest Tattoo Fonts Designs 2012

# 1: Script Fonts:

Script fonts can give a personalized touch to any tattoo. Fonts such as the ITC Edwardian� and the ITC Christoph�s Quill� designs can add formality to remembrance tattoos, while the the Forte�, Harlow�, or Fling� fonts impart their own special emotion. Script typefaces are passionate communicators that will enhance your message.

# 2: Blackletter:

Blackletter fonts are similar to some medieval forms of manuscript lettering. Often referred to as "gothic", the most popular blackletter font - the Old English� design - is a classic example. Other blackletter fonts include the Fette Fraktur�, Gothique�, Linotype Textur� and Linotype Gotharda� designs, all of which share a style that is unquestionably gothic while maintaining their own distinct aura.

# 3: Celtic Fonts:

Celtic fonts, sometimes called "uncial� fonts, are a popular match with Celtic armband or Celtic tribal tattoos. Uncial letters were written from the late Roman Empire through the early Middle Ages, their rounded forms being quicker to write with a reed pen than the sharp-angled Roman capitals. Their calligraphic heritage has been given a modern twist in fonts such as the ITC Forkbeard�, Iona�, ITC Frances Uncial�, ITC Korigan� and Sweeney� designs.

# 4: Graffiti Fonts:

We've taken the best designs off the walls and made them available as fonts. Graffiti fonts have almost as wide a variety as graffiti writing does. The ITC Airstream�, ITC Neo Neo�, Cult�, Angryhog�, Owned� and Southbee� designs have that look anybody after a "street" tattoo will want.

# 5: Unusual Fonts:

How brave are you? You want that new tattoo to be an original, why not choose a font that nobody else has the guts to use? Look to the ITC Gramophone�, Arriba�, Amelia�, Smack, La Bamba or Retro fonts for a look that will get your new ink noticed. Your mom will hate it!
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