Interesting Tattoo Facts

Whether people like it or not tattoos are here to stay and more and more people are heading out to their local tattoo parlor every day to get a tattoo. For a society that does not think too kindly of tattoos they sure do pop in the least likely places. Our everyday lives revolve around tattoos in someway shape or form without one even realizing it. Tattoos are not an evil thing. They are just a form of self expression. With that being said there are a ton of interesting and fun facts about tattoos that people are not aware of.
*The word tattoo is one of the most misspelled words in the English language. It is mistakenly spelled tatoo, or tatto.
*Tattoos and tattoo related keywords are the most searched words on the internet beating out the adult industry.
*Tattooing has been used as a way of smuggling secret messages across enemy lines in times of war.
*It has been claimed that urine was once used to mix the colouring matter of some tattoo ink.
*The tattoo business has boobing during these tough economic the Untied States are dealing with.
*Women are more likely to get a tattoo removed.
*20% of women have a tattoo on their lower back. Also called the "tramp stamp" by some. This percentage is pretty larger considering that only 5% of women have a tattoo located some where else on their body.
*Tahitians believed that the process of tattooing the body served to contain its sacred power.
*Removing a tattoo can cost up to three times more than the design itself.

Interesting Tattoo Facts

Care of Your Tattoo

When you get a new tattoo, you're going to be excited and happy, but remember that part of having a tattoo that looks great is the care that you put into it! Your tattoo artist will probably give you a sheet of aftercare instructions, but there are a few things you should keep in mind.
After your inking session, your new tattoo will be covered with a type of ointment to facilitate healing. After this, most tattoo artists will cover your tattoo with something right after the session is over, whether that is gauze or saran wrap. This is due to the fact that your tattoo is, for all intents and purposes an open wound. There's a good chance that it will be bleeding a bit and when it is in this condition there is a chance that it could get infected. Leave the wrapping on for however long you are instructed to do so (usually just a few hours) before removing it and very gently rinsing the ointment off.
When it comes to healing a tattoo, one of the best things you can do with it is leave it alone. Don't touch it too much, and certainly don't scratch it. Some people even suggest not spraying water directly onto the design, but instead letting the water trickle down over. Essentially, this is to prevent your new tattoo from becoming overly irritated. In the days to come, you will notice that your tattoo scabbing over. This is perfectly normal, so resist the urge to try to scrape the scabbing off; allow it to fall off in its own time. Don't worry about any color that comes off with the scabbing.
When cleaning your tattoo, different people recommend different things. The important thing is to treat the tattoo gently at first to preserve the color. Try using warm water and a mild soap to wash it, like Satin. While some people do use Dial, others find it too harsh. To deal with the itchiness that occurs at this stage, try using vitamin E oil or ointment. Don't worry about the skin getting too dry though; the dead skin needs to come off and when it comes off naturally, it facilitates richer color in your tattoo. To facilitate your tattoo's healing, remember that it needs to breathe. Don't use too much ointment or lotion.

Care of Your Tattoo

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