Wire Art

Wire Art

A simple wire can be expressive in a certain way. A simple wire can project the ideas of your mind in many ways. Here are some pics that are going to prove my point what I am trying to say. A simple wire can be used in the form of art projecting sculpture. Indeed this world is full of creative mind that can use anything to project artistic ideas. 

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Making of the 3D LEGO Chalk Drawing

Created for the Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida, this amazing mashup of Legos and Terracotta warriors is magnificent in every sense of the word.

Founder and Director Peter Westerink told My Modern Met that it took a team of four artists - Leon Keer (design and art production), Peter Westerink (himself), Remko van Schaik, Ruben Poncia - five and a half days to complete it. "We started on Tuesday morning November 1st and finished on Sunday November 6th in the afternoon," Westerink says.

Source: planetstreetpainting
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