Top Tattoo Designs For Men and Women

Yup you read that title right even though it is still very early in the year it is easy to spot to top tattoo trends and what will be the hottest in tattoo designs for 2010. These trends are so hot that one cannot ignore the big spikes in searches that will produce this year's top tattoo designs for both men and women. So here is our vote or prediction for the whole 2010 and even into 2011 year in the world of tattoos.
There are so many here it is a bit hard to narrow them down as it look like the entire field or world of tattoo designs will continue to grow by leaps and bounds throughout the next two years as it has for the past 5 or so years.
Japanese Tattoos
Japanese tattoo designs are catching on big time. They have always been around and there have always been artists that specialize in creating authentic Japanese tattoo designs here in the west however, it has typically been more a fringe movement and had fewer devotees. However, this will change in fact it already has. Right now it is a micro trend of sorts with some short spikes of growth but it is going to catch on huge over the next year. This will include Japanese cherry blossom tattoos, koi fish, Geisha and Samurai as well as dragon designs. Most of these will be used on the popular locations on the body found below.
Ambigram Tattoos
Ambigrams are hard to explain if you have not seen them before. It is a very visual puzzle that just can't explain or translate well in words as funny as that might seem since they are made up of words. Ambigram tattoos are essential the art of taking two word designs and then putting together so a person can read one word when the tattoo is held upright and another word when it is flipped over. These are very popular and tie well into the whole literary and word tattoo trend as well as they work and look great on the forearm which is also a pretty popular location right now.
Literary And Word Tattoos
Of course there are so many different ways to refer to these tattoo designs there are the simple one word tattoos on the wrist that celebrities like to get. There are the foreign language tattoos and even the sayings and poem tattoos. This would also include the whole kanji, Arabic and Celtic tattoo designs. Anything that features writing or letters as the main part of the tattoo would fall into this category and it is currently one of the hottest trends and quickly growing bigger by the day.
These are some of the most popular trends right now based on what people are looking for, search engine trends and feedback from tattoo shop owners. They are provided here to give some ideas to those looking for what to get tattooed. However, it is never advisable to just jump blindly on the bandwagon because someone said it was popular. Instead find thing that you like and if it matched with one of the designs then great. These are meant to spark your own original and unique tattoo designs and ideas. These are trends that interestingly enough are equally popular with both sexes male and female.

Latest Trends in Tattoo Design

Tattoo designs are becoming increasing popular. The older mind set of negativity towards tattoos are being phased out as they are quickly becoming the latest trend. The older generations are not happy about this idea, but are having to learn to accept it, the younger generation is welcoming the trend with open hands.
There are several reasons people get tattoos. The most obvious, as well as the most common, is the meaning behind the design. The idea for these designs tends to be brought about by spiritual ideas. Many people want to be able to wear their heritage with pride.
Remembrance tattoos have also become quite popular. Many people like to remember their lost loved one by having a tattoo done in their honor. This is often a sign of respect also. These designs will often contain the name of the person, but not always. Often a special symbol that has a certain meaning or memory directed towards that person is used instead.
Both men and women alike enjoy the angel wing tattoo that covers their entire back. These wings have a spiritual meaning, but are often used for their physical appearance. Depending on whether it is a man or a women that receives the tattoo it will have a more feminine or masculine touch. Depending on the preference of the person as well, color may be used to fill in the wings rather than black ink.
Flowers incorporated into the design are also quite popular. Girls will often times get this tattoo because of its physical appearance, as it attracts the eye. However, it also has spiritual meaning behind it. The flower represents the circle of life, death, and rebirth.

Positive messages, and hope for the future are often written on the person body. However, these messages are rarely written in the form of English words. Typically the message is seen in languages that can be written in symbols and designs rather than words.
Tattoos are extremely addicting. It is more common than not that a person will receive a single tattoo and then soon after receive another. With the increasing approval of society this is becoming more and more true. People wear their visible tattoos with pride and respect rather than hide them away as they used to. This is a nice way for the person to add a unique mark to themselves and to show their individuality.

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