See No Evil - The UK's Largest Street Art Project

The ‘See No Evil’ art project on Nel­son Street in Bris­tol, Eng­land, which is claimed to be the UK's largest permanent street art project will see sev­eral multi-​​story build­ings in the street cov­ered with art over the com­ing days. Orga­niz­ers hope that the project, which has involved top graf­fiti artists from all over the world, will become a major tourist attrac­tion for the west coun­try city.

Solitaire Win Screen Sculpture

Artists Lars Marcus and Theos of Skrekkøgle have created the most epic 3D sculpture of a solitaire win screen. Made out of over 1,000 cut and glued pixel-art cards, the old Windows version of Solitaire spans nearly five feet across. Now they can feel like they’ve won at Solitaire any time they want, without ever having to boot up an old Windows box.

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