Most Beautiful Bright Eyes

Bright Eyes

Eyes are that part of our body which expresses everything in our mind. Some time we try to hide our feeling but eyes tell everything. So eyes are very expressive part of our body. Some time verbal communication fails in front of eyes to eyes communication. Well lovers understand what I am trying to say. Eyes can express love, anger, hunger, hate, kindness etc. means every emotion.The emotion which can't be expressed through words eyes can do that. So In this post I am posting world’s most beautiful bright eyes. These eyes belong to my favorite and world famous celebrity. Well you see and tell me the name of this celeb. These eyes are very bright. You please tell me your view about these eyes.

Simple but Beautiful Lips

A simple lipstick can make lips very attractive. These pics are suggesting this clearly. Simple lips can be very expressive. one just needs to apply a right color of lipstick in a right amount.
All lips in this post are celebrity’s lips. Most of the time we are watching the celebs pics. Let’s see how many celebs you can recognize just by looking their lips.

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