Art and Ghosts by Lousie

Welcome to the dream world of art and ghosts. An ethereal sphere that is charming and creepy all at the same time. These mysterious prints are made in Manchester, England by a woman named Louise who fancies a bit of fairy tale and mythology. She uses photoshop /wacom combo to meticulously handcolor each image.

She has this to say about her work:

“My images usually begin with a photograph, a painting or a doll portrait. I buy many dolls then sell them on for this reason alone (so fickle!), although i do possess a somewhat overbearing collection of plastic animals, doll house furniture and vintage frocks. My backgrounds are generally my own paintings or textures that I have created or photographed. Although most of my ‘completed’ work is digital, my sources are rather eclectic at best.”

Booby Traps of the Vietnam War

A booby trap is a device set up to be triggered by an unsuspecting victim. As the word trap implies, they often have some form of bait designed to lure the victim towards it. However, in other cases the device is triggered when the victim performs some type of everyday action e.g. opening a door, picking something up or switching something on. Lethal booby traps are often used in warfare, particularly guerilla warfare, and traps designed to cause injury or pain are also sometimes used by criminals wanting to protect drugs or other illicit property, and by some owners of legal property who wish to protect it from theft. Booby traps which merely cause discomfort or embarrassment are a popular form of practical joke.

Trap used by Vietnamese, at Cu Chi Tunnels.
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