Bling Teeth

You want your kid to be cool? Get him a Bling Teeth grill and he’ll shine like a star. At least his mouth will.

Here is one thing I never thought would be sold as a children’s toy, bling teeth. Vampire teeth, sure, teeth with a gap, why not, but BLING TEETH? Who would anyone want to make their kids look like young gangstas or pimp daddies?

So don’t forget, if u want your kid to have a fat look, buy him a Bling Teeth grill, or better yet get him the whole collection.

Pixel Art by Jean-Yves Lemoigne

Jean-Yves Lemoigne’s photography is surreal, beautiful and thought provoking. his images range from unicorn-men in hard times, pixelated actresses, and regular folk hidden in the shadows.

He has made some amazing pieces of pixel art for the 3rd issue of Amusement magazine. I have absolutely no idea how he does it, but this just looks awesome!

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