How to Convert an Old TV Into a Fish Tank

Since we’re environmentally aware and we really want to recycle as much as we can, we thought we’d show you a little trick for your old TV set - how to turn it into an aquarium. Naturally, the tube will have to come out and replaced with the aquarium. Fish swimming are certainly more relaxing to see than some of the shitty shows and news we get fed on a daily basis. Kitty seems to like it too!

On the Edge of Pulpit Rock

I’m getting vertigo just by looking at this. Preikestolen, known in English as Preacher’s Pulpit or Pulpit Rock, a 604 meters cliff in Norway is one of the best places in the country to get a view of the valley, Lysefjorden. The major attraction is the top of the cliff, a 25 by 25 meters square and flat surface, visited by thousands of tourists every year. Here’s how it looks from the top!

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